Wednesday 4 April 2012

How to Make Blackcurrant Ice Cream

Blackcurrants are one of my all time favourite fruits and fortunately in our garden in France we get an abundant crop every year. Blackcurrants make a beautiful ice cream which always looks absolutely wonderful in a clean, white bowl, the purple colour giving it a rich luscious look. I tend to find that I get very messy when making this ice cream so unless like me you want to be covered in purple blotches I would suggest wearing an apron. The last time I made this ice cream I asked Mr Almond if the purple colour covering the majority of my body made me look rich and luscious. Mr Almond's response was too wordy to print in this article but the general impression I got was a resounding no.
Recipe for Blackcurrant Ice Cream
450g / 2 Cups Blackcurrants
500ml Single Cream / 2 Cups Heavy Cream
3 Egg Yolks
75g / 1/3 Cup Sugar (Fine)
150ml / 1/2 Cup Water
First of all place the blackcurrants in a pan with the water and heat over a low to medium heat until the blackcurrants are soft and the skins have split. Take the softened blackcurrants out of the pan a spoonful at a time draining away any excess water and mash them vigorously through a sieve in to bowl. This is where it can get very messy, although you may well be less clumsy and more careful when you do it than me. You should be left with a dark purple liquid in your bowl. Discard the skins and put the liquid to one side.
Heat the cream over a medium heat until it is almost boiling. Do not let it boil as it will curdle.
In another bowl mix the egg yolks with the sugar until all the sugar crystals have dissolved. Combine this with the cream and heat very gently over a very low heat stirring constantly for about ten minutes until the mixture thickens and coats the back of a spoon. Leave the liquid to chill for a few hours either in the fridge or as I do in a sink filled with cold water and ice cubes.
Add the blackcurrant juice to the cold thickened mixture and place in your Ice Cream Maker churning as per your manufacturer's instructions. Freeze and enjoy, as with all homemade ice creams, ideally within a week. When serving garnish with a couple of mint leaves.
If you have enjoyed making and eating this ice cream, please visit my website where you will find many other cold dessert recipes that I have created or discovered
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