Sunday 22 April 2012

How to Make Fried Rice Completely From Scratch

Making fried rice from scratch is not difficult; in fact it's pretty simple.
This is one of the most favorite dishes by many Indonesian people, they use it also as a breakfast because it's so easy to make and you don't need much ingredients and preparation. You can make this dish from the remaining rice that you had cooked the day before. In fact it's better to use old rice than new because new rice is sticky while old rice is really fine to stir it, so it makes old rice very suitable to make fried rice.
If you're already use seasonings mix for fried rice from the supermarket, try something different to make this from scratch, it will give you much more satisfaction. In fact you can determine the end results while the seasonings mix has already a certain taste.
So shall we begin with the recipe?
Ingredients :

  • 2 plates remain old rice
  • 100 gram ham or bacon, cubed in small pieces
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 onion or 2 shallots, minced
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 red chili, thinly sliced (seeded if you want the fried rice not too spicy)
  • 1 spring onion, minced
  • vegetable oil or butter
  • Sweet soya sauce
  • pepper
  • Salt
  • 1 teaspoon chicken/meat bouillon powder

Instructions :

  • Heat the oil or butter in the wok; fry the eggs while you're stirring it until done. Remove the eggs from the wok.
  • Set the empty wok again on fire and add butter or vegetable oil, and add garlic and shallots. Stir it until fragrant.
  • Add the red chili and ham or bacon. Fry it until the bacon is done and fragrant.
  • Add the rice, fried eggs and spring onions until the whole things are well mixed. Add sweet soya sauce, salt, pepper, and chicken or meat bouillon powder. Stirring it continuously until everything is well blended and heated.
  • Serve with fried onions or add some cucumber and hot chili sauce; it's really delicious.

For 5 persons
You can also add cooked green peas or chopped and cooked carrot into the dish to make it healthier. It's also more tasteful.
Mety Wistarin is a lover of Indonesian cooking. She wants to share her passion about Indonesian cooking with you and she is a founder of, a site about the island of Java and Bali, part of the Indonesian archipelago and there are a numerous delicious recipes on her site.
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