Sunday 22 April 2012

Ten Tips to Cut Calories

Calories are the catch word of all fitness fanatics, dietitians, wellness experts and those suffering from obesity and excess weight problems. Celebrities and super models count calories from morning to the time they hit the bed, adding and subtracting from what they have eaten to what they have burned like a mathematician.
For an average person, it is not required to go to such extremes and be obsessed with calories, but if taken lightly you will have to pay for it with all sorts of health and fitness problems. Keep the following tips in mind when dealing with calories and you will soon be in the driver's seat.
Identify the calorie-heavy foods:
Take stock of what you have been eating for breakfast, lunch, dinner and everything in between all these years, quickly identifying the calorie rich foods that go into your breakfast.
Omelet, milk & coffee:
Use fillings of onion, spinach, pepper and mushrooms in place of meats and cheese when flipping your omelet. Drink skimmed low fat milk and switch to black coffee if you can't live without it.
Juices & beverages:
Smoothies and tall juice glasses should be strictly kept out, but you can enjoy a small apple, peach or a single banana. Drink light beer, cut out soda drinks completely. Check on the labels of cans and bottles for servings and calories ratings before gulping down two servings at one go. Replace half of your soft drinks & supermarket beverages with plain drinking water.
Reinvent the breakfast:
Cut down on the bagel and croissants to half and spread whole fruit jam without added sugar to your bread. Buy the leanest ham and bacon instead of the regular variety and include a small helping of low fat yogurt in your daily breakfast for probiotic bacteria which is good for your gut. Stop eating the white bread and completely switch over to whole wheat or multigrain bread for your daily dose of fibers.
Lunch is not for endless munch:
Don't make the mistake of grabbing a burger, hot dog or doughnut to stuff yourself with useless calorie boosting fat laced junk that will only add to your waist. Eat real food with low calorific value like a large salad bowl without too much of greasy dressings. Use a lot of olive oil to toss your salad and cooking. Reduce steaks and sausages to the minimum replacing with turkey sandwich and chicken wings which are not deep fried.
It is not your mission in life to finish the bag of chips at one go. Take a handful out into a bowl to eat and stow away the unfinished bag back where it came from. Eat only half a bar of chocolate if you must and don't make a habit of eating one everyday.
Fix a whole wheat bread sandwich with fillings of tomato, lettuce, mushrooms and if you must grill, then do it with non stick spray in place of butter. Eat roasted chicken, tuna and fish. If pizza is what you crave, then spread just half of the cheese to bust the calories.
Scoop out one quarter of low fat ice-cream from one portion to soothe the sweet tooth. Get a bowl of fruit salad consisting of strawberries, grapes, raspberries, peaches, slices of pineapple and kiwi fruit topped with low fat cream.
Walk all you can:
Walk to work, to shop, to the park and wherever possible. Make it a point to walk for all the short distances within easy reach and also move your body all the while when talking on the cell phone.
Burn what you earn with your food is the mantra for calorie cutting drive. Join a gym, a boot camp, and aerobics class, dancing lessons or Yoga to achieve your target.
If you religiously follow the above tips, soon you will start winning the war over the calories.
If you'd like to book a Boot Camp Hyde Park consultation, go to Boot Camps Sydney.
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