Friday 8 March 2013

A Quick Dish of Rice and Chicken


Rice is the staple food for most of the world's population. Be it the Indians or the Mexicans, rice has served as the stick of survival for many. Over the years, the ways of cooking have gone through an immense change. There was a day when rice was first harvested and was identified as food. That was the age of stone kitchens in which they used to prepare rice dishes in ingenious methods, which are still followed by some tribes. Time has changed and now we have modern modular kitchens where we prepare several rice dishes to satisfy the family's needs.
Talking about rice dishes, the chefs around the world have made quite a number of delicacies, the best rice recipes. Most are served only in the restaurants and food courts, but some recipes are always available for the common man. After all it's not always possible to go up to a restaurant to eat a delicacy. Money is not the only factor. Time and position are the two major factors which oppose this. So the homemakers also need a few recipes which can keep the smile intact in the face of every member of one's family. We are here to provide you with just one for that.
Time is of utmost importance to everyone. So I prefer to give you a very quick and easy chicken rice dish which can serve both as a nutritious and yummy meal for your family. It can even become one of the best rice dishes among your family members. And to top it all, it's perfectly safe for the diabetics too. It is light and healthy, and very tasty. All you need to spend is 30 minutes on it and the dish will be ready. It may not be featured among the best rice recipes in the world, but it will serve as a healthy rice delicacy.
Ok, so the question is how to make it! Taking care about the number of heads to feed, take the appropriate amount of water, asparagus, long grains, butter, chicken pieces (preferably boneless), minced garlic, salt to taste, a little bit of carrot, lemon juice and lemon peel (optional). Now that you have all the ingredients ready, all is left for you is to cook the meal in a jiffy.
Boil the water in a saucepan, and pour the rice, asparagus and butter. Once it is mixed thoroughly, cover it for 10-15 minutes and then keep it aside. Now it is time to cook a delicious mixture of the rest of the ingredients. For this take a skillet, add the chicken pieces, pour all the ingredients one-by-one and stir thoroughly. Once you get a smell, a good one at that, mix it with the rice you had cooked earlier. Cover it for a while. Once you take off the lid, you will find that the meal is ready to be served.
It's very easy to make a rice dish. It need not be one among the best rice dishes. It need not be one among the best rice recipes. Health is of utmost importance for everyone, and this one, though a yummy recipe ensures that even for the diabetics.

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