Wednesday 11 December 2013

White Fish Recipes For Health, Taste, and the Environment

When shopping for dinner, either for yourself or your family, the number of options in terms of what to prepare can be quite overwhelming. There are so many different protein choices. Should you go with red meat, the family favorite, or the leaner white meats like chicken? Many experts suggest rejecting traditional meat altogether in favor of fish. But sometimes, seafood can be a bit more expensive, and there are always the problems of mercury that have many worried.
But if you have these issues on your mind, one great option to go with his Alaska sole, a delicious whitefish that will be good for your health and your waistline, while being lighter on your wallet than other sorts of seafood. Alaska sole is low in fat, and can be prepared in ways that keep it super healthy, like sautéing it in a small amount of butter, or baking it in a glass dish with lemon juice squeezed on top. This fish manages to be both scrumptious and super low in calories, a combination that is hard to find. Alaska sole is also high in protein, which is great if you are trying to lose weight, because it helps you stay fuller for longer, without loading up on calorie-dense carbs. This whitefish is also low in mercury when compared with bigger fish like tuna, which is important when you are considering your health. You can get all of the benefits of eating fish without the downsides!
Another great reason to try Alaska sole for your next meal is that it is one of the most sustainably-raised kinds of seafood that you can access at your local supermarket. Often, big game fish will be exploited to the point that the population becomes depleted to unsustainable levels. But luckily the state of Alaska has taken a lot of steps to ensure that its fish populations stay at sustainable levels, because the government has realized how important the fishing industry is to the state. If the fish population dies off, then so does the economy. So you can buy this whitefish without suffering from a guilty conscience!
The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, has accurate, up to date information on the fish species off the coast of the most northern state. Check out the ASMI Facebook page for more information on Alaska Seafood!

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