Wednesday 11 December 2013

Natural Juice Recipes For Health, How To Lower Your Blood Pressure And Other Numbers

Natural Juice Recipes To Add More Nutrition To Your Life
How is your blood pressure, cholesterol, and all of those other numbers that your doctor places so much importance on? Would you like to give your doctor a shock by putting those numbers in the right places? Juicing is one way to do that. All of those numbers are improved by the right fruits and vegetables being in your diet and if you eat them raw, it is the best way. Yuk, you say, and I agree, unless you juice them.
Juicing is a way to consume raw fruits and vegetables and get all of the nutritional value but avoid the great bulk and bad taste that many have. Instead by combining the good tasting ones with the nutritious ones that don't taste so good you can create a great tasting, healthy drink. This makes it possible for you to easily get your recommended daily allowance of fruits and vegetables.
Juicing strips out all of the main nutritional elements and leaves most of the fiber behind. While fiber is important it is easily obtained whereas the other more important nutrients that you would have to eat great quantities of fruits and vegetables to obtain.
Fruit And Vegetable Juice Recipes
There are many great health benefits from juicing fresh fruits and vegetables. These items are great individually but when blended in juice recipes their nutrients combine and the whole becomes greater than the parts.
I'm going to give you a tasty recipe and we will analyse it's elements and see the great nutritional value it contains.
The Juice Recipe analysis
This juice contains carrots, spinach, Asian pear, and watermelon. Together these super nutritious elements combine for added health benefits.
Spinach is loaded with Vitamin C and phytonutrients and has been shown to prevent prostate cancer, it also protects you stomach from damage and reduces inflammation. It's mild flavor makes it a great addition to any juice. Spinach contains folate, potassium, and magnesium which are important for blood pressure.
A quarter of a cup of carrots a day can help you put the check on cardiovascular disease eating even more reduces your risk more and by juicing them their nutrition is released and your body won't have to use up energy to get
Watermelon is an underrated addition, watermelon has the highest source of Lycopene of all the things you might juice it has healthy benefits for men, women, children, and even pregnant women.
Asian pear is loaded with fiber and contains micronutrients that are helpful to protect against cardiovascular problems and support bone and blood health. This means lowering blood pressure too.
Here is the recipe
1 carrot
1 handful of spinach
1 cup watermelon cups
1 Asian pear
This juice will help keep you healthy as well as providing nutritional treatment for the conditions listed above as well as many others. Juices unleash the nutrition directly into your blood stream by avoiding the need for digesting it.
I'd like to invite you to view our free video on the benefits of juicing. The video will introduce you to a resource that will tell you everything you need to know from a juice fast to juicing for weight loss. You will learn how to make the most effective use of juice in your life. Visit

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