Sunday 13 May 2012

Easy Shortcrust Pastry Recipe

This simple pastry is very adaptable and can be used for all kinds of dishes, both sweet and savory, yet it is very easy to make. All you need is some flour, some fat or shortening, and a little bit of water and salt. Once you have made this a few times, other forms of pastry such as flaky, puff and even hot water crust will hold no fear for you, and you'll be baking like a pro.
The basic proportions of ingredients for this pastry never change: one part fat to two parts flour, so it is very easy to multiply quantities, however much pastry you need. Traditionally, you blend the flour and the fat with your fingertips so that the fat doesn't melt with your body heat, but it's much easier and equally effective to use a food mixer.

  • 8oz/225grams plain/all-purpose flour
  • 4oz/110grams cold butter, lard, dripping or any hard fat, or combination of these
  • A pinch of salt, and pepper if it suits your recipe
  • A little cold water - how much is a little? See method below.

Sift the flour and salt into the bowl. Add the pepper, if using. Cut the fat into small pieces, or grate, and add to the flour. Mix well. All traditional pastry recipes say "until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs", but if it is a hot day or your fat is slightly soft, it may form a more dough-like consistency: don't worry, it will still work.
Continue to mix, and begin to add the water, no more than a tablespoon at a time. Stop adding water as soon as the dough comes together and pulls away from the side of the bowl. The more water you add, the tougher the cooked pastry becomes, so only use the minimum necessary. A good test is to pull a piece of the dough between your fingertips: if it breaks, add a little more water, if it stretches, then it is perfect.
Refrigerate for at least half an hour; this minimises shrinkage when cooking. Now use your pastry in your recipe, or make this simple pie.
Lightly grease a small pie dish, and dust with flour. Roll out two-thirds of the pastry, and line the dish with it, leaving a good margin overhanging, which can be trimmed after cooking. Prick all over with a fork. Line the pastry with crumpled kitchen foil, and bake for twenty minutes in a medium oven. Remove the foil, and bake for a further ten to fifteen minutes, until the pastry is dry. Add your filling, which may be pre-cooked, and brush the edges of the base with milk or beaten egg. Roll out the remaining pastry for the lid, pressing down well at the joins. Prick a few holes to let out the steam, then brush all over with the milk or egg wash. Bake for a further 30-40 minutes. Trim edges and serve.
Brent Nelson writes The Guerilla Griller, one of Europe's top 500 food blogs. On a mission to demystify food and cooking, with clear step-by-step recipes, and here for the newbie and experienced cook alike. Find The Guerilla Griller at:
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