Monday 26 May 2014

Why You Need Amino Acids!

By Expert Author Tamara Yapp
Are you dealing with skin problems such as psoriasis or premature aging skin? Would you believe that you're not the only one dealing with these issues?
Millions of people today are dealing with the effects of psoriasis, prematurely aging skin or countless other skin diseases like acne or dermatitis, whether they're living in the suburbs of the Midwest or up in the Hollywood Hills. Even megawatt stars have the skin care blues!
The worst part of this, however, is that very few dermatologists or skin care professionals know how to effectively deal with conditions such as psoriasis aside from costly treatments like skin cremes and UV light therapy. What does it say when a rich celebrity can go to the best dermatologist in Hollywood for solutions, only to be told that her condition is treatable, but not curable?
It's unacceptable, and frankly, ridiculous. Why doesn't anyone know that amino acids and healthy digestion are the keys to healthy skin?
As I detailed in a recent newsletter, there's a direct link between amino acids and your skin's health, one that gets little exposure. See, amino acids are the building blocks of a healthy body, fueling just about every single mental or physical function your body carries out. They're distributed and formed throughout the body when we digest protein. Sounds simple enough, right?
Here's the problem: many of us today have problems with digestion due to eating processed foods, taking antibiotics, prescriptions, and over-the-counter drugs, and from simply being stressed out trying to pay the bills and take care of our families. When that's the case, your body's not breaking down proteins as it should, and so you're not getting the amino acids you need. Furthermore, your immune system becomes compromised because you're not getting the vitamins, nutrients and minerals you need from the foods you eat that aren't being properly digested.
That's when your health starts going off track, and it's not long before it starts showing up on your skin!
I halt this problem dead in its tracks with a twice-daily tonic I concoct using my Pro-Amino-Otic and Pro-Daily-Otic (our fermented probiotic foods in powdered form), that I mix with our Pro-Belly-Otic, our liquid probiotic formula. They're full of the nutrients, vitamins and amino acids your body needs, and because they're fermented and pre-digested, they're easily absorbable by your body, no matter what condition your digestion is in.
Taken together or alone, Pro-Daily-Otic and Pro-Amino-Otic restore and regulate my digestive functions and make sure I receive all of the amino acids I need. They also feed my muscles and help me to detoxify. Doing this is the best way I know how to make sure I'm feeding my skin what it needs to stay glowing and healthy. Tending to my digestive issues has been tremendous in ending my problems with acne, which I first started dealing with when I was 10 years old. I'm now 51, and my skin looks better today than it did when I was 30!
This alone will work wonders for you, but I still have a few more tips to share.
Every night, before I shower, I use a dry brush to clear my body (never my face) of the microscopic dead skin cells that accumulate on a daily basis. This allows my skin to breathe and get to work on producing new skin cells.
Once I've showered, I rub two tablespoons of pure raw organic coconut oil into my skin. Not only does it feel divine, it's perhaps the best natural anti-aging moisturizer you can use to keep your skin supple and young. (Again, this treatment is only for the body. It is not suitable for the delicate facial skin)
When I have a little more time to pamper myself, I make my own facial masks using various ingredients from my kitchen such as oatmeal, honey or avocado. However, there's a secret ingredient that I add that makes all the difference in the world.
My Pro-Belly-Otic is a tangy, refreshing probiotic drink that goes a long way in repairing your digestion by restoring the micro flora in your gut. However, it's fantastic on your skin as well. Once applied, the enzymes and amino acids it contains set to work on your skin helping to fend off the wrinkles that might be creeping up on you. A splash in the mix for your facial mask will do the trick!
There are many gorgeous women in show business, but if all of there money and ability to see the best doctors and go to the most exclusive spas is unable to prevent their skin issues, it's clear that there's something fundamentally wrong with how we address skin care today.
As your parents probably told you, beauty begins on the inside, and it's absolutely true in ways not even they knew. The solution is to pay better attention to what you're eating and how you're treating yourself. Our products are one easy way to ensure your skin and body are getting everything they need to stay healthy and strong. We have your Food to Glow On.
The company's CEO and Founder Tamara Yapp, a mother of seven and wife, is the lively, relatable host of, an online source for fermented foods. She created this company and this show to provide information on the newest and most effective ways to lead a healthy lifestyle.
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