Thursday 1 May 2014

Food For Beauty


Oh, spring! A wonderful spring! For some reason at this time of year you want to be beautiful as ever. How foodstuffs can help in making our complexion naturally beautiful after winter? How to use them for avoiding pale skin color? What should one eat to fill a body with energy and, of course, lose weight?
All these questions naturally concern women after several months of cold and lack of the sun. But we want not just something, but only something mouth-watering even at the stage of cooking. Also, we do not want just a dietetic breakfast, lunch or dinner, above all we want to become the most beautiful and desirable after eating it! And do not torment ourselves with remorse for eating a piece of something tasty.
I do not want to advise some standard recipes for weight loss, for example, the recipe of a cabbage soup. Firstly, it is really not very appetizing, and secondly, after the first preparation of this soup it is unlikely for you to want to cook soon. I will not give the recipes of cooking cream soups, from broccoli for example, because this soup all the same is not everybody's cup of tea...
But I want to recommend eating crisps and drinking mineral water. Just a couple of days of such "dry" and lean food and you will see the result on scales! 4-7 pounds lesser in 2-3 days - is it bad? Another recommendation is cereals (preferably unsweetened) with low-fat milk: just a few days of that diet and you are full of energy, despite that the organism loses weight!
Among the general recommendations: refuse coffee and black tea and choose the herbal teas, or even better - a green tea. Numerous studies have shown that a green tea stimulates the burning of calories and helps to cope with fatty deposits. In addition, this drink has an anti-inflammatory influence.
Do not forget about fruits and dried fruits, which are good for a stomach, and simply are delicious! Berries and fruits will make your skin (especially on a face) fresh, elastic and beautiful.
If you want to get rid of the "orange skin" eat less fat and sweets. It is useful to drink enough water every day. In this context, pay more attention towards dairy products, vegetables.
Remember about a positive effect of gruels, cereals. Indulge yourself daily with a variety of porridges: oatmeal, rice, semolina and buckwheat ones. They are especially healthful in the morning, during breakfast. They saturate the body and have very few calories!
Vitamin C protects you from wrinkles. Oranges, cabbage and kiwi have a lot of this vitamin. Eat more salads from fresh vegetables - it is really tasty and the appetite after them moderates. After the salad one usually does not want to go for high-calorie food.
Limit consumption of bread, wheat one particularly. Minimize the eating of all bakery products.
Instead of soup, which very often includes potato, choose a delicious broth, possibly with a small amount of crackers.
Eat cottage cheese to improve hair and nails. Do not forget about the fish.
If the body requires chocolate, eat it with pleasure, and never torture yourself for it (of course, if you have eaten moderately). Do you think that chocolate wrapping are made up for nothing? Chocolate not only improves the mood! In the cocoa beans there are polyphenols, which are responsible for our rejuvenation.
Remember about the benefits of cheese (better if it would be lean). Do not forget at breakfast about eggs and butter.
If you believe that pasta is harmful, it's time to destroy the myth! Oatmeal, pasta, brown rice and beans include concentrated complex carbohydrates, which assimilating with blood become the providers of energy and support normal levels of sugar in blood.
As you see, it is easy to achieve a beautiful appearance with food. It is enough to follow simple rules while compiling the daily menu. Save your energy, beauty, slenderness and youth with pleasure!
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