Tuesday 7 January 2014

Green Coffee Bean Extract and Its Importance


The extract is full of anti-oxidants similar to those in green tea and grape seeds. Green coffee extract contains polyphenols, which act as body radical reduction agents. It also contains chlorogenic acid, also used to absorb the radicals in the body. These radicals are the common known causes of cancer. Correct extraction of this extract ensures that all the acid components are obtained. However, roasting of the beans leads to loss of these acidic components.
Green beans extract is gaining popularity among many people due to its countless benefits in the human body. Among the most common advantage is weight reduction. Weight issues affect a large population, thus, this extract proving to be of great importance to them.
The main benefits that it offers include:
· Weight reduction
Many people especially in urban areas are obese. This is because of the type of food that the take. Again, after consuming that junk food they do not participate in active work resulting to fats accumulation in their bodies. This makes them to suffer from cardiovascular and hypertension. If action is not urgently taken, these diseases result to death. They should therefore use the extract, which is very cheap and requires no medical prescription. The chlorogenic acid helps in absorption of fat along with glucose release in the blood thus resulting to weight reduction.
· Treatment Cost saving
It eliminates cardiovascular and hypertension diseases, which are expensive to treat thus saving the individual a great amount of money. The money, which could have been used for treatment, is therefore used for other productive activities hence economic growth.
For green bean extract to provide the above named benefits, they must be harvested and preserved in the most effective way. Good preservation ensures that all its important components are obtained. After harvesting, the beans should not be exposed to extreme temperatures as this gives room for development of bacterias and molds. They are thereafter stored in cold, dry, and dark environment to increase their lifetime. Good preservation ensures that they have good taste even after grounding, roasting or brewing.
The following steps should be followed to ensure good preservation of the beans:
1. After harvesting, pour the green beans in a clean dry brown paper bag.
2. After the paper is full, seal its top by folding it twice and crimping it.
3. Place the bag on the shelf in a cool place, dark and dry with less fluctuation.
4. Roast the beans for a period of three years. This is to prevent them from tasting like the paper bag they are put.
We provide the best info about green bean coffee. For further details please visit the provided link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8196926

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