Sunday 12 January 2014

10 Health Benefits of Black Tea

Black Tea is made from the same plant as green tea and white tea.  Black tea doesn't mean tea without milk, and white tea doesn't mean tea with milk.  The difference is the way the tea leaves are processed after picking.  Green and white teas are hardly processed at all, whereas black tea is fully oxidized.
Here are 10 health benefits of drinking black tea:
1. Studies continue to show that tea is very good for you, and has some amazing health properties that cannot be ignored.
2. Black teas contain antioxidants which prevent the damage caused by free radicals which can lead to numerous diseases.
3. Drinking black teas can help to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, as it helps to expand the arteries, which increases blood flow to the heart. 
4. Research has shown the black tea can be used in the fight against cancer.  Properties of the tea slow down the growth of cancerous cells without destroying healthy cells.
5. Tea is also believed to help to delay the aging process.  Nowadays there are many anti aging creams and lotions that contain tea extracts to help the skin look younger.
6. Drinking black tea can help to burn fat and speed up metabolism.  This makes it an ideal drink for those who are looking to lose weight, or who exercise regularly.
7. Drinking tea such as black and green tea helps to reduce bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol
8. Tea contains fluoride, which can help to prevent tooth decay by strengthening tooth enamel.
9. For those people with diabetes, drinking tea can help to decrease glucose levels, which can reduce the risk of cataracts, and other conditions brought about by diabetes.
10. Investigations have shown that the benefits of black tea are lessened when milk is added.   So, in order to take advantage of the amazing health benefits of this tea, it's recommended that you don't take your tea with milk or sugar.
There are so many different loose teas to choose from that you won't get bored. As well as black, why not try white and green tea? Many people don't make these sorts of teas properly, which is why some people don't like loose tea.  By using a tea machine, you can ensure that you are getting the water temperature and the steeping time right, you can be reassured that you are getting the health benefits of black tea.  
Drinking just 3-5 cups of black tea daily can bring about all these health benefits.  If you drink tea already, why not change to black or green tea, and see if that improves your health and well being.   By starting to drink black, green or white tea today, eating healthily, and getting regular exercise, you can dramatically reduce the risks of serious medical conditions. If you're not currently a tea drinker, what are you waiting for?
Choose from a range of Black Tea Green Tea and other loose gourmet teas, and discover the revolutionary Tea Machine at Buy online in confidence, and find out more about tea, and why it's so good for you.

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Thursday 9 January 2014

Matcha Green Tea Is a Mighty Breast Cancer Buster



I love what I do and do what I love. Everyday opens new doors and exciting revelations on how to improve my health and the health of those of you who read this newsletter. An exciting new discovery for me was leaning about Matcha Green Tea. Because of the health benefits, I have been a regular 2-3 cup/day drinker. Having now learned about the power of Matcha, I will feel even better knowing that I am feeding my body with proven anti-cancer nutrients.
The benefits of green tea have been known for decades. But now a super tea that has slowly emerged from Japan called Matcha is gaining more and more attention. Matcha is cultivated by local farmers using traditional methods, from growing to grinding. It has traditionally been used to flavor and dye foods such as green tea ice cream and soba noodles.
In 2003, the University of Colorado published a report about the potency and concentration of EGCG, a powerful anti-oxidant found in green tea. The researchers found that Matcha contained up to 137 times more EGCG than regular green tea.
Here are few of the amazing benefits of EGCG in Matcha, specifically about Breast Cancer. There are countless studies that demonstrate the power of EGCG as an effective Tumor Terminator. Here are just a few:
1. Suppresses inflammation and aggressive estrogen mediators in breast tissue.
2. Causes Breast Cancer cells to die
3. Suppresses the new blood flow that feeds Breast Cancer tumor
4. Reverses epigenetic changes and prevents DNA damage that is often seen in Breast Cancer
5. Suppresses stem cell production in human Breast Cancer
Aside from being a Cancer Buster, Matcha hosts a number of other health benefits.
- It is a powerful Anti-oxidant powerhouse, boasting a higher ORAC score than blueberries and pomegranate.
- It contains 5 times more L-Theanine compared to other green teas, an amino acid that creates alpha waves in the brain that induces relaxation.
- Matcha has been shown to improve physical endurance up to 24%.
- It boosts metabolism and burns fat.
- The chlorophyll detoxifies heavy metals and toxic chemicals.
- One glass of Matcha is equivalent to 10 glasses of green tea in terms of its nutritional value and anti-oxidant content.
- Matcha is packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, tocopherols, carotenoids, selenium, zinc, chromium, and manganese.
- Believe it or not, this tea is high in soluble and insoluble fiber, which is great for your colon and cholesterol levels.
To learn more about this powerful anti-oxidant tea, visit The Matcha Source. It has wonderful articles and information on how to brew this amazing drink
Visit my website for more information

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Coffee and Chocolate: A Match Made in Heaven

By Because they share many flavor notes, chocolate and coffee seem like a match made in heaven when they meet. The options are truly limitless: each amplifies the flavors of the other to make for a delightful treat. Here are just some of the ways you can combine the deliciousness of chocolate and coffee.
There's a wide variety of ways for you to combine the flavors of coffee and chocolate in your drinks. If coffee is your drink of choice, add a chocolate syrup or cocoa powder to your morning cup to make yourself a delightful mocha. Another creative way to include cocoa flavor in your morning brew is to put cocoa nibs in with your ground coffee to make a combination coffee and cocoa tea. For a fun after-hours coffee drink, mix a shot of chocolate liquor into your coffee and top with whipped cream.
For hot chocolate lovers, try adding a shot of espresso to a cup of hot chocolate to make it taste like it's made from even darker chocolate. A shot of coffee liquor in hot cocoa or chocolate milk makes for a delicious adult beverage, and the same concept works well for chocolate milkshakes.
Cakes & Brownies
Whenever you want to intensify and deepen the flavor of chocolate in your baked goods, add a shot of espresso or some strongly brewed coffee. Because chocolate already has distinct coffee flavors to it, you won't necessarily be able to pinpoint that coffee has been added to the dessert: you'll just notice that it tastes richer than it ever did before.
Another way to add coffee to chocolate desserts is to make a coffee simple syrup to pour over cakes to keep them moist. Mix regular strength coffee and sugar in equal amounts (one cup of each is usually enough), bring to a boil, then gently pour onto cakes still in their pans.
Nibbling on a chocolate biscotti with your morning coffee: is there anything better? Feel free to act like a real Italian and dunk your biscotti into your steaming coffee to really relish the melding of the two flavors. If you love the combination, try making your own chocolate and espresso bean biscotti at home to enjoy every morning. Simply take a chocolate biscotti recipe and add chopped espresso beans to the dough before baking. Yum!
Savory Surprises
Chocolate and coffee don't just work well in sweet applications. Try adding some ground dark chocolate or cocoa powder and some high quality coffee to your next barbecue sauce, chili, or molé. The addition of chocolate and coffee can give these dishes a depth and complexity that will have all of your guests wondering what your secret is. Don't worry; we won't tell.
J. Martinez is the owner of J. Martinez & Company Fine Coffees, selling gourmet estate and single-origin coffees from all over the world, including Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee and Hawaii Kona Coffee.

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Health Benefits of Coffee Justify Daily Java, So For Goodness Sake, Switch the Coffee Pot On!


Health benefits of coffee to justify my cup! Nothing beats the aroma of the flavored coffee bean going through our house. My coffee mate puts our coffee pot on at 6am and not soon after, I am enjoying my first coffee and watching the morning news and reports on tv. I love my coffee and was determined to find a good reason to justify Java and learn about the health benefits of coffee.
Once my first cup is finished, I confess to getting a second not long afterwards. However, a girl has to have some vices, and coffee is mine, although I do not drink it often during the day. I could easily cave in to temptation, but the caffeine in coffee has been known to keep me awake at night. I sometimes have an organic decaf coffee or flavored decaf coffee. Sometimes I have mixed several brands together and come up with my own Suzie Special!
So what are some health benefits of coffee? Coffee is a source of antioxidants which help your body fight your free radicals - the bad guys. Decaf coffee has the same antioxidants as regular coffee, but minus the caffeine. Moderation is the key. Daily coffee can help to lower the risk of diabetes, reduce the risk of colon cancer and Parkinsons disease, and helps long duration of physical activity. Coffee can help you stay awake, alert, improve cognitive function, help elevate moods and may stop your
As far as I know, coffee does not cause breast cancer. Women who suffer with tender breasts, discomfort and water retention might like to consider reducing their caffeine, but it is a personal choice with personal experimentation to find the right level of coffee and caffeine for yourself.
Forget coffee prices and enjoy a Java. Learn how to make coffee taste great like the ones you get in Cafes, and experiment with different types of coffee brands and flavors until you find a some you really like. Then brew up in your latest hot coffee mod con and savor the wonderful aroma.
Some things in life are simple, inexpensive and good for you. Wonderful health kitchen oils such as flaxseed oil or coconut oil, and a glass or two of red wine are a couple of life's pleasures and your daily coffee is another! So sit back, relax, take a deep breath and enjoy your Java knowing there are health benefits of coffee!
Suzanne Early
Suzie likes to share down to earth, easy to understand information on breast cancer basics, with warmth and sensitivity. Having a friend experience breast cancer and a career in Adult Education, Suzie understands how important it is to learn about this women's issue, in the hope that others will be encouraged and empower themselves, becoming proactive in their breast health. Visit Suzie's website for news, stories, and related health information, shared with an occasional laugh at some of life's experiences. Early detection is key!

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Tuesday 7 January 2014

Green Coffee Bean Extract and Its Importance


The extract is full of anti-oxidants similar to those in green tea and grape seeds. Green coffee extract contains polyphenols, which act as body radical reduction agents. It also contains chlorogenic acid, also used to absorb the radicals in the body. These radicals are the common known causes of cancer. Correct extraction of this extract ensures that all the acid components are obtained. However, roasting of the beans leads to loss of these acidic components.
Green beans extract is gaining popularity among many people due to its countless benefits in the human body. Among the most common advantage is weight reduction. Weight issues affect a large population, thus, this extract proving to be of great importance to them.
The main benefits that it offers include:
· Weight reduction
Many people especially in urban areas are obese. This is because of the type of food that the take. Again, after consuming that junk food they do not participate in active work resulting to fats accumulation in their bodies. This makes them to suffer from cardiovascular and hypertension. If action is not urgently taken, these diseases result to death. They should therefore use the extract, which is very cheap and requires no medical prescription. The chlorogenic acid helps in absorption of fat along with glucose release in the blood thus resulting to weight reduction.
· Treatment Cost saving
It eliminates cardiovascular and hypertension diseases, which are expensive to treat thus saving the individual a great amount of money. The money, which could have been used for treatment, is therefore used for other productive activities hence economic growth.
For green bean extract to provide the above named benefits, they must be harvested and preserved in the most effective way. Good preservation ensures that all its important components are obtained. After harvesting, the beans should not be exposed to extreme temperatures as this gives room for development of bacterias and molds. They are thereafter stored in cold, dry, and dark environment to increase their lifetime. Good preservation ensures that they have good taste even after grounding, roasting or brewing.
The following steps should be followed to ensure good preservation of the beans:
1. After harvesting, pour the green beans in a clean dry brown paper bag.
2. After the paper is full, seal its top by folding it twice and crimping it.
3. Place the bag on the shelf in a cool place, dark and dry with less fluctuation.
4. Roast the beans for a period of three years. This is to prevent them from tasting like the paper bag they are put.
We provide the best info about green bean coffee. For further details please visit the provided link.

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Monday 6 January 2014

Connoisseurs Hot Chocolate Recipe


The word chocolate is believed to have derived from either the Aztec word xococatlxococ meaning bitter and atl meaning water or a similar Mayan word taken to mean hot water. Either way, the first use of the cocoa bean was in hot beverage form and was a clear forefather to the hot chocolate we know today.
Cacao beans were a valued commodity in Aztec & Mayan times and were even traded as an early form of currency. In the drink form they were used for medicinal and ceremonial purposes. Whilst the earliest forms of the drink may have been as simple as infusing the cacao beans in hot water, it soon evolved to making a paste from the cacao beans and then mixing that paste with spices and chili to create the hot chocolate. Carvings and pots from the Aztec & Mayans eras show depictions of a stick akin to a whisk that was used to froth the beverage too.
But it wasn't until the Spanish conquistadors brought cacao back to Europe, that this originally bitter drink was sweetened with sugar and milk into something more akin to what we know today as hot chocolate. During the 17th 18th,& 19th centuries, chocolate houses became very much the trendy hangout. Indeed they were the coffee houses of their day, but became to be seen by puritans as places that could lead men astray, some of whom seemed addicted to the drink. In some chocolate houses liquor was mixed with the hot chocolate and betting and gambling were rife, not to mention the "Chocolate Girls" who may have offered more than just a serving of hot chocolate. This only help to reinforce the ancient beliefs that hot chocolate could energise the soul and enliven the libido.
It is also interesting to note that chocolate was firstly only ever known in its hot drink form. It wasn't until 1847 that the first commercially available chocolate bar was produced by Bristol's Fry & Son. Up until then it was really the only form of chocolate known to the vast majority of consumers. Over the years hot chocolate had many variations with the addition of spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg, spirits, rose and orange blossom waters and even dried rose petals. Up until the process of making cocoa powder was developed by Dutchman Van Houten, hot chocolate had been made with a cocoa paste that incorporated cocoa butter too. The discovery of this process by Van Houten not only revolutionised the drink, but made large amounts of cocoa butter removed during the process now available for chocolate bar production.
Try this amazing version of hot chocolate that is guaranteed to leave all other hot chocolates in its wake.
A gently spiced hot chocolate made with real chocolate as well as a little cocoa. The natural starches in the chocolate thicken the drink, so it pays to whisk a little longer.
  • 220ml milk
  • 60ml double cream
  • 100g Mexican 67% dark chocolate (or a chocolate of your choice)
  • 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 star anise
  • 2 cardamom pods (broken)
  • 50g sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  1. Dry roast the cardamom and star anise for 3 minutes in the bottom of a saucepan.
  2. Add all the other ingredients and whisk over a medium heat for 8 minutes until all the chocolate is melted and the mixture has thickened slighlty.
  3. Pass through a sieve and drink
Exceptional, intensely flavoured chocolate boxes which are handcrafted using natural ingredients by former UK MasterChef finalist Ben Axford.
Benjamin Chocolatier handcraft exquisite chocolates using only natural ingredients and a very unique method that delivers exceptional layers of flavour. We like to be different. We like to make people smile. We like the little luxuries in life.

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Cut the Trans Fat, Lose Weight and Be Healthy

By Tran's fat, a type of fat found in fried foods and processed foods such as cookies, crackers, and donuts, may be worse for the heart than saturated fats, according to a new study. Because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not currently require information about trans fats on food labels, many Americans do not know how much Trans fat they consume. The study found that Tran's fat reduces blood vessel function and lowers HDL ("good") cholesterol levels more than saturated fat. According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), providing labelling information on Tran's fats could prevent between 2,100 and 5,600 heart disease-related deaths each year.
Tran's fats (also called Trans fatty acids) are created by hydrogenation, a process that converts liquid vegetable oils to solid fats at room temperature. This process helps preserve shelf life of foods such as cookies and crackers. Hydrogenation became popular in the 1960s after experts confirmed that animal-based saturated fats increase the risk of heart disease. Many fast food restaurants even stopped cooking French fries in saturated fat and now use hydrogenated vegetable oil (Tran's fat) instead. However, recent research shows that Tran's fats also increase the risk of heart disease.
These studies on Tran's fats was conducted by Dr. Nicole M. de Roos and her colleagues from Wageningen University in The Netherlands and published in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. The study consisted of 29 healthy, non-smoking adults who were given a four-week diet containing 9.2% of total calories from Tran's fat. The Trans fat diet was followed by another four-week diet containing 9.2% of total calories from saturated fats. After each diet, Dr. de Roos and her colleagues analyzed the effects on blood vessel function. Poor blood vessel dilation can increase the risk for heart disease.
When the researchers compared the effects of both diets they found that the Trans fat diet reduced blood vessel function 29% more than the saturated fat diet while HDL ("good") cholesterol levels were 21% lower with the Trans fat diet than with the saturated fat diet. This led Dr. de Roos and her colleagues to conclude that Tran's fats could raise heart disease risk even more than saturated fats (though saturated fats are still bad for the heart too).
Still looking for the right way for you to lose those extra pounds? When it comes to losing weight there are different conditions that apply to everyone differently. It's time you find what can work for you [] start losing fat today.

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