Saturday, 20 June 2020

15 Minute Dinner - A Healthy Quick Recipe For Stir Fry Chicken With Zucchini


This dinner- a healthy quick recipe for Stir Fry Chicken with Zucchini and Noodles is a busy mom's dream come true. It is an extra quick and easy chicken recipe that is inexpensive to boot. The noodles cook in 1 minute once the water boils and the chicken only needs a few minutes of stir frying. The dish is low in fat and healthy, and sure to be a hit for dinner on those busy nights. Why not bring out the chopsticks and practice up on your skills.
To thinly slice the chicken, place the breasts in the freezer for a few minutes to partially freeze the meat. The breasts will then be firm but not hard and easy to slice thin. Be careful not to freeze solid however, frozen chicken is nearly impossible to slice. Instead of the ramen noodles, you could also serve this recipe over stir fried rice or alone with additional vegetables.
Stir Fry Chicken with Zucchini and Noodles
1whole or 2 halves chicken breast, diced or sliced thin
1 Tablespoon oil
1 clove garlic crushed, or 1 teaspoon minced garlic
2 tablespoons light soy sauce
1/2 cup bamboo shoots, sliced into matchsticks
14 cup canned mushroom slices
1 1/2 cups diced zucchini
1 Tablespoon cornstarch
1/4 cup water or chicken broth
3-4 packages chicken flavored ramen noodles depending on your guests
  1. Put on the water for the noodles. Ramen noodles cook fast, follow the package directions, but you will drain them for serving. There is no need to cook them separately, just do them all in the same pot. When the cooking time is up, take them off the heat; keep them warm until the chicken is done, then drain.
  2. Stir fry the chicken over high heat with the garlic in a small amount of oil. When it turns white, add the soy sauce and continue stirring for a 2 to 3 minutes.
  3. Add the zucchini, bamboo shoots, and mushrooms. Continue cooking for a few more minutes
  4. Mix the cornstarch with the water or broth. Stir into the mixture and cook, stirring until thickened.
  5. Serve the Chicken with Zucchini over a bed of drained ramen noodles. Serves 4.
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Diane has just finished a free cookbook of her favorite southern recipes. Download Easy Southern Favorites [] today. These recipes are guaranteed to have them begging for more. Best of all, its free!
Diane Watkins is a traditional southern style cook. She enjoys cooking, teaching, and writing about good food and family. For more information on southern cooking and recipes visit her website at Easy Southern Cooking [].

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Monday, 8 June 2020

Vitamin A & Your Immune System


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a global pandemic and severely affected our everyday life. At this time, there is yet any clinically proven drugs or treatments to prevent or cure COVID-19.
With the novel coronavirus, about 80% of the infected had mild to moderate symptoms (mild symptoms up to mild pneumonia), about 15% developed severe disease (shortness of breath, low blood oxygen, or >50% lung involvement), and 5% became critically ill (respiratory failure, shock, or multi organ dysfunction).
Patients with severe COVID-19 illness and adverse outcome are mostly older, have diabetes, heart disease, prior stroke, hypertension, chronic respiratory disease, and/or chronic lung disease. In many cases, these patients' immune system, in an attempt to fight the virus, becomes dysfunctional and go into overdrive, resulting in a deadly effect known as a "cytokine storm".
Cytokines are an important part of your immune response. Your body release them as a response to an infection to trigger inflammation for your protection. A cytokine storm happens when the body releases excessive or uncontrolled levels of cytokines, causing hyper inflammation, which may lead to serious complications and even death.
Why does the immune system go haywire? How come it occurs more in patients who are immunocompromised or with preexisting conditions? How can we have a stronger, better functioning immune system?
By now, most of us are well aware of the important role nutrients like vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, and probiotics play in regulating the immune system and keeping us healthy. Not enough has been said about vitamin A though.
For the past several decades, scientists have been studying the impact of dietary vitamin A on human health. It is well established that vitamin A is an essential nutrient and is responsible for many vital functions in the body:
  1. It protects the eyes from night blindness and age-related decline.
  2. It reduces the risk of certain cancers.
  3. It supports a healthy immune system.
  4. It reduces the risk of skin problems like eczema and acne.
  5. It supports bone health.
  6. It promotes healthy growth and reproduction.
In the following, we will look at how vitamin A can help reduce the incidence and severity of infectious diseases, how the immune system works against infectious agents like viruses, and the role vitamin A plays in regulating a healthy immune response. Lastly, we will discuss how you can get enough vitamin A to complement your immune protocol.
Understanding Vitamin A
Vitamin A is a group of compounds found in both animal and plant foods. It comes in two forms: preformed vitamin A and provitamin A carotenoids.
  • Preformed vitamin A is known as the active form of the vitamin, which the body can readily use. It is fat-soluble and found in animal foods, like liver and eggs, and includes retinoid compounds like retinol, retinal, and retinoid acid.
  • Provitamin A carotenoids include carotenes (like alpha-carotene and beta-carotene) and xanthophyll (like astaxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin). These are the inactive form or precursors of the vitamin found in plants such as sweet potatoes and carrots. These compounds are water-soluble and have to be converted to the active form before the body can use it. For example, beta-carotene is converted to retinol in the small intestine. However, the ability to convert provitamin A into the active form is impaired in many people. More on this later.
Vitamin A Reduces Incidence And Severity Of Infectious Diseases
Research studies over the past several decades have well established the beneficial effect of vitamin A on infectious diseases.
  • It was dated back to the ancient Egyptians that vitamin deficiency and disease were first correlated. They applied liver (which is rich in vitamin A) extracts to the eyes of people affected by nutritional night blindness.
  • In 1892, it was suggested that diet could have an impact on susceptibility to infectious diseases based on the observation that children suffering from measles or whooping cough also developed blindness produced by vitamin A deficiency.
  • Later studies indicated that supplements with carrots (which are rich in beta-carotene) could reduce the number and severity of respiratory infections.
  • More recent studies have shown that deficiency of vitamin A is associated with heightened incidence of infectious diseases, including respiratory diseases, malaria, tuberculosis, HIV and others.
  • Studies showed that high dose vitamin A supplementation in children with measles increased the number of circulating T cells (a type of immune cells), and also that vitamin A supplementation could reduce the incidence of respiratory infections in children.
How The Immune System Works
Our immune system can be broken down into the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system.
Innate immune system
This is the dominant defense system in the body and it relies on the use of physical barriers like the skin and mucous membranes, coupled with first responder defenders called leukocytes (white blood cells). Leukocytes include phagocytes (which engulf foreign invaders) and natural killer cells.
The innate immune system response is why you get a stuffy nose and sneeze when you have a cold, or why a scrapped knee gets red, hot, and inflamed, or filled with pus. For people who contract COVID-19 and have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, their innate immune system is effective and working well against the coronavirus.
Adaptive immune system
When the innate immune system is not strong enough to combat the foreign invaders, it sends out signals called antigens to call on the second line of defense - the adaptive immune system. This system uses special types of leukocytes called lymphocytes, namely the B-cells and T-cells.
This is typically when the inflammatory response gets kicked into a higher gear and you develop a fever and body aches. The adaptive immune response not only identifies and fights off viruses, it also remembers them so it can quickly and effectively combat and neutralize them in the future, thus creating immunity. This is also how vaccines work.
COVID-19 And Cytokine Storms
The coronavirus tends to target the respiratory system by attaching and infiltrating the lung cells where it can more effectively hide from the immune system and reproduce. The infected cell will then produce more of the coronavirus and the process repeats itself.
When the immune system detects this, it kicks off its response. The T-cells are then activated and they release cytokines. A cytokine is a hormone of the immune system. The body produces cytokines to help fight bacteria, viruses, and other invading organisms. Cytokines can be pro-inflammatory when they attract white blood cells to the site of an infection. Cytokines can also be anti-inflammatory when they try to ramp down an immune response once the threat has been neutralized.
The release of cytokines triggers additional T-cells to be made, which then release even more cytokines. One type of T-cells called cytotoxic T-cells roam the body and kill infected cells. When the immune system is working well, the cytotoxic T-cells only target infected cells to be killed and move along.
A cytokine storm happens when the immune system goes haywire. This is when the body's immune response gets so amped up that it stops differentiating between infected and healthy cells. In other words, the lung cells are now attacked by both the coronavirus as well as the immune system.
With COVID-19, the cytokine storm focuses on the lungs, causing acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and damage to the walls and lining cells of the alveoli (air sacs) in the lungs.
Normally, the wall of the alveolus is super thin, so oxygen can easily get from the air space in between into the red blood cells. In this case, both the wall and lining cells as well as the capillaries are destroyed. The debris that accumulates from all that damage lines the wall of the alveolus. The damage to the capillaries also causes them to leak plasma proteins that add to the wall's thickness. Eventually the wall becomes so thick that it is hard to transfer oxygen, hence, the feeling of shortness of breath.
Many people who get ADRS need help breathing from a ventilator. As fluid collects in the lungs, they carry less oxygen to the blood. That means your blood may not supply your organs with enough oxygen to survive, resulting in the lungs, liver, and kidneys to shut down and stop working.
Additionally, doctors found that once the coronavirus gets to the lungs, it may travel to the bloodstream and infect the endothelium, lining of the blood vessels, causing endotheliitis. It is, therefore, no surprise that people who have conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease that put a lot of stress on the endothelium are also the ones who get the sickest when they catch the coronavirus.
COVID-19 does not merely cause lung problems. Many severe patients also develop widespread blood clots as a result of the hyper-inflamed state of cytokine storm, leading to strokes, heart attacks, and organ failure. What's more, doctors have noted an alarming trend as they treat more and more COVID-19 stroke patients who are in their 30s and 40s without risk factors. These people are at least 15 years younger than usual stroke patients without the virus.
Vitamin A Regulates Immune Responses
The effect of vitamin A on immune function is wide-reaching:
  • It promotes and regulates both the innate and adaptive immune systems and the development of healthy immune responses.
  • It plays an important role in the regulation of different white blood cells (neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, natural killer cells, and lymphocytes) and influence the generation of cytokines by the immune cells.
  • Deficiency of vitamin A favors the production of more pro-inflammatory cytokines.
  • Research on vitamin A deficiency in children found that it damages the mucosal barrier, which is the natural defense of the respiratory tract, allowing bacteria and viruses to proliferate.
Are You At Risk For Vitamin A Deficiency?
Vitamin A deficiency may lower your immune function, thereby raising your risk of complications from infectious diseases.
A blood test can determine if you are severely vitamin A deficient. Vitamin A is stored in the liver. Normally, the body will always try to maintain a healthy blood vitamin A concentration (a process called homeostatic regulation). However, when the body's reserves of vitamin A are significantly compromised, vitamin A concentration in the blood can drop below normal range.
Signs of mild deficiency
  • dry eyes
  • poor night vision
  • hormonal imbalances
  • irregular periods
  • vaginal dryness
  • infertility
  • low energy and fatigue
  • mood disorders
  • frequent throat and chest infections
  • bumpy skin
  • eczema and acne
  • thyroid dysfunction
Strict vegans who avoid all animal-based foods and alcoholics are more prone to vitamin A deficiency.
Since vitamin A is stored in the liver, and alcoholics may have existing liver damage, they may be more susceptible to deficiency.
Vegans who rely entirely on plant sources of the precursor to vitamin A need to have the carotenoids converted to retinol, the active form of Vitamin A. However, in a majority of people, the carotene-to-retinol conversion is severely compromised, and in some it may even be as low as 10%.
Factors that inhibit the conversion include:
  • genetic variants in the BCO1 gene that impact the conversion of beta carotene
  • diabetes
  • alcohol use
  • certain medications
  • toxic exposures
  • medical conditions that interfere with the digestion of fat (including Crohn's disease, Celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, pancreatic enzyme deficiency, and gallbladder and liver disease)
  • a low-fat diet - as healthy fats are needed for the efficient conversion of carotenoids to retinol
Sources Of Dietary Vitamin A
From animals (preformed vitamin A):
  • Pastured animal liver (liver is an organ that processes toxins, toxins are not stored in the liver but in fats in the body)
  • Pastured poultry giblets
  • Cod liver oil
  • Grass fed ghee and butter
  • Grass fed cream and cheese
  • Pastured egg yolks
  • Sockeye salmon
From plants (provitamin A carotenoids):
  • Sweet potato
  • Carrots
  • Pumpkin
  • Winter squash
  • Dark green, leafy vegetables
  • Broccoli
  • Cantaloupe
  • Red bell peppers
  • Mangos
  • Apricots
Vitamin A Supplementation
Ideally, it is best to eat vitamin A-rich animal foods regularly. There is no risk of excessive intake through food. The risk lies in taking mega dose supplements. Symptoms of vitamin A toxicity include changes to vision, bone pain, and skin changes. Chronic toxicity can lead to osteoporosis and liver damage.
Do note that blood vitamin A levels (as indicated in a blood test) may not indicate changes in supplementation because for healthy people blood vitamin A concentrations are always under homeostatic regulation and will stay within normal range. At present, there are no non-invasive ways (requires liver biopsies) to accurately measure the amount of vitamin A stored in the body.
For people who would like to take vitamin A supplements, the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for adult male is 3,000 I.U. (or 900 mcg) and adult female is 2,300 I.U. (or 700 mcg).
The Upper Tolerable Intake Level (UL) is 10,000 I.U. (or 3,000 mcg) daily.
Always take it with food containing fats for optimal absorption.
Remember that vitamin A is available in two different forms: preformed vitamin A and provitamin A carotenoids. The maximum daily dose of 10,000 I.U. per day relates to only preformed vitamin A.
Some supplements contain vitamin A in both preformed and provitamin A carotenoids forms. For these supplements, the amount of preformed vitamin A should be used to determine if the amount of vitamin A is safe.
In some cases, a vitamin A supplement with vitamin A in amounts greater than 10,000 I.U. may still be safe if a portion of the vitamin A is in the provitamin A carotenoids. For example, a supplement containing 23,000 I.U. of vitamin A, of which 60% is provitamin A carotenoids, will still be safe. This is because only 40% of the vitamin A content, or 9,200 I.U., is preformed vitamin A.
Preformed vitamin A may come in two forms - from retinyl palmitate (in tablets) and/or from cod or other fish liver oil (in soft gels). Check the ingredients if you have allergies towards fish or soy.
  • If you are pregnant, may become pregnant, or breastfeeding, keep the daily limit to 5,000 I.U.
  • If you have a disorder that affects fat absorption, you may not be able to absorb vitamin A properly.
  • Do not take vitamin A if you have a type of high cholesterol called Type V Hyperlipoproteinemia.
  • Do not take vitamin A if you have liver disease.
  • Iron deficiency may affect the body's ability to breakdown and use vitamin A.
  • People with severe protein malnutrition may end up with too much vitamin A in the body.
  • People with zinc deficiency may need to take both vitamin A and zinc to improve the condition.
  • Use caution if you are taking medications for skin conditions (Retinoids) as they may interact with vitamin A.
  • If you are taking antibiotics, do not take a high dosage of vitamin A.
  • Medications that harm the liver (hepatotoxic drugs) interacts with vitamin A.
  • Warfarin (Coumadin) interacts with vitamin A.
Although nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, and probiotics have been shown to strengthen the immune system, at present, there is no research or study on their efficacy towards preventing and curing COVID-19.
Carol Chuang is a Certified Nutrition Specialist. She has a Masters degree in Nutrition and is a Certified Gluten Practitioner. She specializes in Metabolic Typing and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition.

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Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Kalonji Oil - History, Nutrition, Benefits & Uses


Both Kalonji oil and seed are equally good but kalonji oil is preffered over seeds as it is 35to 50% more potent and convenient to use
Kalonji oil is made from truly a remarkable herb called nigella sativa, popularly known as Black cumin or Black seed.
Kalonji is known around the world by many names because of its ancient popular history and medicinal value viz: black caraway, roman coriander, carvi (french), schwarzkummel (german), kalonji (Hindi/urdu), kezah(Hebrew) chernushka (Russian), corek-otu(Turkish), habbat-albarakah or habbatus-sauda (Arabic) siyah daneh (Persian) etc.
Kalonji is sometimes misleadingly confused with similar looking onion seed and black sesame, both of which are totally unrelated and deffinately are not the same.
Kalonji seeds have been found in several sites from ancient Egypt, including Tutankhamun's tomb. Although its exact role in Egyptian culture is unknown, it is known that items entombed with a pharaoh were carefully selected to assist him in the after life.
The earliest written reference to N. sativa is thought to be in the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament where the reaping of nigella and wheat is contrasted (Isaiah 28: 25, 27). Easton's Bible dictionary states that the Hebrew word ketsah refers to without doubt to N. sativa (although not all translations are in agreement)
In Islam, it is regarded as one of the greatest forms of healing medicine available. Muhammad (S.A.W.) once stated that the black seed can heal every disease-except death-as recounted in the following hadith:
[Sahih Muslim: Book 26 Kitab As-Salam, Number 5489]
It is also included in the list of natural drugs of 'Tibb-e-Nabavi', or "Medicine of the Prophet (Muhammad)(S.A.W.)", according to the tradition "hold onto the use of the black seeds for in it is healing for all diseases except death" (Sahih Bukhari vol. 7 book 71 # 592).
Nutritional Components of Kalonji
Kalonji contains over 100 valuable nutrients. It is comprised of approximately 21% protein, 38% carbohydrates, and 35% plant fats and oils. The active ingredients of Kalonji are nigellone, thymoquinone, and fixed oils.
Kalonji contains significant proportions of protein, carbohydrates and essential unsaturated fatty acids, namely linoleic acid and gamma linolenic acid(omega3 &6), which are essential for a healty immune system other than calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B2, niacin, and vitamin C.
Nigellon semohiprepinon is an effective treatment of bronchial asthma and respiratory allergies because of its ability to expand and relax the air ways. It also reduces the release of histamines into the bloodstream and thus works against allergic reactions.
Another active ingredient of kalonji isThymohydrochionon, also acts as an antihistamine and pain reliever.
Use of kalonji helps in synthesis of prostaglandin E1. Prostaglandin E1 suppresses the release of allergic messenger substances and harmonizes the immune system. During the course of long term use the body's defence mechanism stops its excess activity and regains its balance. This ameliorates ailments caused by allergic hyper-reactions, such as asthma, hay fever, and eczema
Long-term supplementation with Kalonji can reduce allergic symptoms greatly
It has been traditionally used for a variety of conditions and treatments related to respiratory health, stomach and intestinal health, kidney and liver function, circulatory and immune system support, as analgesic, antiinflammatory, antiallergic, antioxidants, anticancer, antiviral and for general well-being
Scientific research
Thymoquinone and pancreatic cancer treatment
Researchers at the Kimmel Cancer Center at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia have found that thymoquinone, an extract of nigella sativa seed oil, blocked pancreatic cancer cell growth and killed the cells by enhancing the process of programmed cell death, (apoptosis). While the studies are in the early stages, the findings suggest that thymoquinone could eventually have some use as a preventative strategy in patients who have gone through surgery and chemotherapy or in individuals who are at a high risk of developing cancer.
"The seeds are also rich in sterols, especially beta-sitosterol, which is known to have anticarcinogenic activity."
- Dr. Michael Tierra L.AC. O.M.D
Black Seed stimulates bone marrow and immune cells and raises the interferon production, protects normal cells against cell destroying effects of viruses, destroys tumor cells and raises the number of anti-bodies producing B cells.. U.S. Patents Sections, Antiviral Agents Bulletin #5,482,711
Black Seed proves to have an anti histamine, ant-oxidant, anti=biotic, anti-mycotic and broncho-dilating effect. Cancer Immuno-biology Laboratory, South Carolina
Black Seed is valuable source of protein, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, C and niacin as well as minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron magnesium & zinc Study of Black Seed oil on humans, American Scientists
Kalonji /Black seed/oil uses/home remedies
Cough and Asthma Mix a teaspoon of Kalonji Oil in boiling water and inhale the vapors twice a day. Half a teaspoon (2.5 ml) of Kalonji Oil mixed in a cup of warm water and a tablespoon of honey is also to be given twice daily in the morning and evening. Continue the treatment for 40 days
Dry Cough 2.5 ml Kalonji Oil should be mixed in coffee and given twice a day before meals.
High Chloestrol Give 2.5 ml Kalonji Oil mixed with hot milk daily in the mornings (only once a day). This dissolves fats and dilates veins and arteries
Headache and Ear ache Apply Kalonji Oil on the forehead, sides of the face adjacent to the ears and behind the ears and then bandage the forehead. Give 2.5 ml Kalonji twice a day and continue for 3 days.
Loss of Hair & Premature Graying. Scrub the scalp thoroughly with lemon, leave it for 15 minutes. Wash with water and shampoo after thoroughly drying, Thereafter apply Kalonji Oil to the scalp. Repeat for one week and the loss of hair will stop completely. Kalonji Oil stops falling of hair, and gives a new life to dry, damage, dull unmanageable hairs and prevents premature graying of hair. Use continuously for one month.
Weak Eyesight. Take half a teaspoon of Kalonji Oil along with a cup of carrot juice twice a day before meals. For weak eyesight continue the treatment for about 6 months
Backache and Rheumatic pain Mix 2,5 ml Kalonji Oil with one spoon of vinegar and a tablespoon of honey and take this mixture in the morning before breakfast and at night after dinner. Continue the treatment for 40 days.
Nausea/Vomiting Take half tsp of fresh ginger juice mixed with equal amount of Kalonji Oil, twice a day.
Toothache Mix half teaspoon (2.5 ml) of Kalonji Oil with warm water and gargle. Apply oil on the affected tooth, it will alleviate pain quickly
Nervous Tension/ Stress 2.5 ml of Kalonji Oil with a cup of tea twice a day before meals makes you calm down and eliminates all symptoms of tension.
General Weakness & Lethargy/Ed Take half teaspoon (2.5 ml) of Kalonji Oil with one cup orange juice in the morning for ten days.
For Improvement of of Memory Take half a teaspoon of Kalonji Oil mixed with 10 gms. of boiled mint twice a day before meals for 20 days.
Diabetes Mix 2.5 ml of Kalonji Oil in a cup of Black Tea and drink in the morning before breakfast and at night after dinner. Continue the treatment till sugar level becomes normal.
Dyspepsia, Acidity & Stomachache
A cup of milk mixed with a teapoon (5 ml) of Kalonji Oil to be taken two times a day for 5 days.
Restful Sleep 2.5 ml Kalonji Oil mixed in a hot drink after supper gives a quiet sleep all through the night.
Leucorrhoea, Amenorrhoea and PMS Take 1 g dried mint leaves and boil in 2 glasses of water till one cup of water is left. Put half teaspoon of Kalonji Oil and give on an empty stomach in the morning and at night. Continue the treatment for 40 days.
Piles and Constipation Mix 2.5 ml of Kalonji Oil in a cup of Black Tea and drink in the morning before breakfast and at night after dinner.
Obesity Mix 2.5 ml of Kalonji Oil and a tablespoon of honey in lukewarm water and drink in the morning before breakfast and at night after dinner
Burning Sensation Mix 2.5 ml Kalonji Oil in one cup of Sweet Lime Juice and drink in the morning before breakfast and at night after dinner.Continue the treatment for 10 days.
Psoriasis Mix 50 ml Kalonji Oil with 60 ml Lemon Juice and apply on the affected area..
Burning in Urine Mix 2.5 ml Kalonji Oil and 10 ml Honey in 250 ml milk and drink twice a day.
Half tsp(2.5 ml) daily with pure honey two times a day is good for general health

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Thursday, 21 May 2020

0 Reasons Why Exercise Can Help You Live a Longer, Healthier Life

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No matter what your age, athletic ability or weight, countless studies have shown that regular exercise can lengthen your life and improve the quality.
Here are 10 reasons why exercise is so important to a longer happier life.
1. Heart smart - Exercise will strengthen your heart and as a result it won't have to beat as fast to circulate your blood. This will help blood circulate more efficiently throughout the body.
2. Clear arteries - Regular exercise, especially aerobic workouts such as on a treadmill or elliptical machine, increases the good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein, HDL) and helps reduce bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein, LDL). As a result, you'll have less plaque clogging your arteries.
3. Lose weight - When you exercise and eat a sensible diet, it can help you lose weight and keep it off. When you are at a healthy weight it's of great benefit to your overall well-being.
4. Increase energy - While you'll feel fatigued during exercise and immediately after, in the long run it will increase you overall energy.
5. Fight off disease - Exercise actually improves your immune system and this in turn can help improve the odds that you ward off a variety illnesses.
6. Reduce chronic health risks - Exercise can help you ward off a variety of health risks that are associated with being overweight and generally out of shape. If you are fit and trim, the odds go down that you'll have to deal with things such as diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.
7. Improve muscle tone - Muscles are strengthened through exercise and this can make for a better quality of life and less risk for injury.
8. Improve bone density - Exercise also helps increase bone density and this is a huge factor in helping people age better. Senior citizens who partake in even basic strength training can stay independent much longer.
When muscles are exercised, strain is also applied to the bones, and that strengthens them as well. When our bones endure stress, they naturally keep themselves stronger.
One of the major reasons senior citizens' bones become weak and brittle is because they don't get enough exercise.
Vibration training machines are a great way for seniors to safely perform strength training.
9. Mood enhancer - Exercise can release endorphins, natural mood enhancers.
Exercising will help your self-confidence as you get older, which will also help improve your mood.
10. Stay mentally sharp - Improved circulation that comes from exercise can also help keep your mind sharper as you age.
Find all your home fitness equipment needs at, including Home Gyms, Treadmills, Ellipticals, Exercise Bikes, Free Weights and more.
Aaron Dorksen, sports editor of The Daily Record in Wooster, Ohio, has won numerous Associated Press state and national awards. He was voted Ohio AP sports writer of the year in 2006. Dorksen was a scholastic multi-sport athlete and is still a competitive slowpitch softball player, while also remaining an avid weightlifter, cyclist and runner.

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Friday, 1 May 2020

Sources Of Vitamin C: Facts About Orange Juice


Traditionally orange juice has been touted as the favored choice of a good source of vitamin C. I am not about to argue the point. I am also sure that those of you who are careful about what you eat, seek to drink OJ that is unadulterated.
Hence, the big producers of "not from concentrate" brands have the Lion's share of the market. There is no need to point out who they are. The "not from concentrate" crowd of major corporations have pretty well cornered the OJ market by offering "100% Pure Squeezed Orange Juice."
If you are one of the multitudes who think that is what they are drinking, I have some disturbing news for you!
Facts About Orange Juice
These "100% Pure Squeezed Orange Juice" products, made famous by advertising with misleading pictures such as a straw stuck into an orange are not what they are made out to be. In order to provide this juice to a massive part of the population year round invariably requires a long storage time as well as shelf-life.
The incredible power of advertising is seen in the fact that most of us know that it is just not biologically possible to store pure, fresh juice for long periods. Yet, few of us challenge the claims that these are pure juices. How on earth do these corporations manage to do this without any additives, let alone preservatives?
They accomplish this by aerating the juice in aseptic storage vessels capable of holding millions of gallons. By aerating I mean they remove the oxygen to preserve the OJ. Along with the oxygen goes the flavour. If you drink the OJ now it would taste like sugar water. But, they can store this liquid for up to a year!
How do they get the taste back in?
Have you ever wondered why the same famous brand tastes the same in every part of the world or how certain brands always have their own distinctive flavor if the stuff really is natural? Here is how.
Flavor packs developed by the same companies that add fragrance to perfumes, like Calvin and Dior are used to give each OJ its distinctive taste. That is impossible you say? It says it is 100% pure. In a devious manner of speaking it does flirt with truth.
The said flavor packs are formulated from products synthesized from oranges. Although the orange essence and oils used, are refined from oranges, they resemble nothing made by Mother Nature. They also contain large amount of ethyl butyrate.
I don't know about you, but I would look for something a little less suspicious for a source of vitamin C. My main focus is good sources of vitamin C. For those of you who find the facts about orange juice hard to believe or just want more information I'll refer you to the lady who put the squeeze on the industry.
In her book Squeezed: What You Don't Know About Orange Juice, Alissa Hamilton pulled the rug out from underneath the producers. Although she appeared on ABC News and a host of talk shows her message seems to have largely missed the mark. Therefore I thought it worth re-visiting.
Sources of Vitamin C
To begin with vitamin C supplements aka ascorbic acid have been, unsurprisingly, shown to be less effective in treating scurvy than natural sources. I tend to be leery of supplements because it is, in my view, dangerous to picture nutrients as separate entities.
Vitamins work symbiotically with one another as well as with enzymes, minerals and other nutrients in natural foods, such as a host of acids. Therefore, natural sources are always preferable. With the coporatization of the food industry and depletion of soil through unsustainable commercial agricultural techniques they are, unfortunately, not always easily available.
Before the convenience of modern food storage our ancestors often resorted to sprouting dried legumes or fermenting milk or vegetables when fresh vegetables were not available. These processes increase vitamin C, in the case of fermentation, dramatically.
For example to avoid the plague of scurvy experienced by their European counterparts, ancient Chinese sailors took barrels of dried mung beans on their voyages. In a similar manner Captain Cook kept his crew from scurvy with sauerkraut fermented from cabbage on his 27 month circumvention of the globe.
The following is a list of good sources of vitamin C:
Orange juice 1 cup (caveats apply): 93 mg
Papaya 5 oz: 85 mg
Pineapple 1 cup: 67 mg
Acerola powder 3.7 gm: 60 mg
Kombucha 4 oz: 60 mg
Lemon 1: 54 mg
Sauerkraut 1 cup: 20.9 mg
I use to take vitamin C supplements as I was always concerned about getting sufficient since it is so crucial. It has been used in large doses to cure cancer and is known to be a strong defence. Now that my principle beverage is kombucha not only for the health benefits, which are numerous, but because it is super cheap and very tasty I have no worries.
More information on the benefits of kombucha can be found at our expert author's website at

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