Friday 22 November 2013

Great Britain Food

While Britain is not really known for its cooking prowess, there are some wonderful cooking personalities coming out today and showing the world a new culture of Great British food. Many of the foods that are being made or prepared today, are recipes that were once a staple out of need for the British during hard times. This can include recession or even war ear dishes and while they were filling they were not always tasty. With new personalities and new ideas, come new ways to cook what you once thought was plain and blasé.
Great Britain food is for a new culture today. Tourists and world travelers alike are making their way to England with the notion that the chefs of today have reshaped many of the old dishes. The idea is that these once tasteless meals are now becoming some of the hottest tickets in the culinary world.
Pies And Custards
One thing that you will notice about Great British food is that while many things can and usually do change, pies and custards are seldom recreated. This is usually because they are simply done right to begin with. Minced meat pies and fine fruit laden pies for dessert or tea time are perfect. These types of dishes have been around for virtually as long as the region is recognizable really, so it should come as no surprise that the dishes really do not get tampered with. There are some newer cooks out there that like to mix things up a bit and experiment, yet most find today that what was once good is most often best left that way.
Great Britain food has come a long way since the food critics of the 70's and 80's basically laid a discouraging pounding on it. There was a time where a food critic would do anything to avoid having to critique anything from this region if it involved food. Today critics and food columnists alike are flocking to this area to see what all the fuss is about. Most are leaving with the idea that things are no longer the same in the English food scene.
A Steadfast Breakfast
If you have Great Britain food on your mind, then you owe it to yourself to at least try a large English breakfast. This is a case of overzealous cooking, when it comes to breakfast today. With blood pudding and sausages, coupled with fruit and eggs you are looking at a near day's worth of eating in one meal. There will be toast and a portion of baked beans and bacon that will compliment the breakfast as well. Throw in mushrooms and tomato half and you are set for an early day dining experience like no other.
This is a meal that is heavy on filling and something that is going to do what it is meant to do. this meal is meant to carry you over until the next meal through the midday. This is why it is so large, as each person will dictate what it is that they will be eating mid day or tea time.
Helen Jones writes British food related articles for the British Food website []

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